
A/Prof Guoqi QIAN

Senior Lecturer

School of Mathematics and Statistics

  • Room: 112
  • Building: Old Geology South
  • Campus: Parkville

Research Groups

Publications, Grants and Awards

You can find all publications, grants and awards on their Find an Expert page.

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Current Postgraduate Supervision

Name Thesis title
Lidong HUANG
Xueming LI
Jiabao LI "Statistical Modelling for Spatiotemporal Variability in Precipitations in Australia"
Peiyun SUN "Statistical Learning on Model Selection and Prediction for Sequence Data"
Lyuyuan ZHANG

Past Postgraduate Supervision

Name Thesis title
Xianbin CAO "Statistical Models For Spatio-temporal Data Forecasting"
Lizhong CHEN "Model selection and averaging by Gibbs sampler with a tropical cyclone seasonal forecasting application"
Ling DING "Regression Clustering Using Gibbs Sampler and Optimal Cluster Number Estimation"
Benjamin HINES "Spatio-Temporal Analysis and Modelling for Australian Precipitation Trends"
Zhendong HUANG "Sparse composite likelihood approaches for high dimensional data"
Chun (Jackson) KWOK "Missing data analysis, combinatorial model selection and structure learning"
Alonso MATTA "Random effect models with repeated and missing measurement"
Manling QIAN "Model Selection for Advanced Statistical Models"
PuXue QIAO "Copula-based spatio-temporal modelling for count data"
Alan SIMPSON "On time series model selection"
Siru WANG "Variable Selection and Deep Analysis of Large-Scale Data That Contain Non-ignorable Missing Values"
Yiwen (Eva) WANG "Statistical and Computational Methods for Microbiome Data Analysis"
Jasper WIJNANDS "Tropical Cyclones: Improving accuracy of seasonal predictions in Australia and the South Pacific Ocean"
Hangfei ZHENG "Modelling high-dimensional spatial-temporal data: a focus on nonstationary and nonlinear phenomena for a future-focused landslide early-warning system"
Zeyu ZHOU "Statistical testing and selection by re-sampling in genome- wide association studies"

Current MSc Students

Name Project title
Zijun JI "Modeling High-dimensional Functional Data by Functional Principal Component Analysis"
Jiajian JIANG
Xuesong JING "Modelling and Forecasting non-stationary monthly near-surface air temperatures time series in USA"
Zhaoming SU "An MCMC Approach to Variable Selection for High-dimensional Generalised Linear Models"
Yilei WU
Shuihan YI
Zuoting YUAN

Past Honours & MSc Students

Name Project title
Lingli BAO "Modeling Large-scale Time Series for Forecasting by Vector Error Correction Cointegration Model"
Kohleth CHIA "Akaike Information Criterion and Density Estimation"
Kelly CHIU "The Gibbs Sampler and Variable Selection for Logistic Regression Models"
David DIAZ "The State of Contemporary Association Rule Mining with a Genomic Application"
Yuwei DU "Analyze Canadian Weather Data by the Functional Linear Model"
Peter DUONG "Genome Wide Association Study: A critical review of techniques and application to breast cancer data"
Shan FENG "Latent-Class Clustering Model with Non-Ignorable Missing Data"
Jingyi GUO "Forecasting Spatio-Temporal Data using an Ensemble Quadratic Echo State Network"
Benjamin HINES "The Lasso for Variable Selection: An Application to Tropical Cyclone Predictive Modelling"
Zhendong HUANG "Parsimonious and Powerful Composite Likelihood Testing with Applications to Genotype Data"
Zijun JI "Modeling High-dimensional Functional Data by Functional Principal Component Analysis"
Yuci JIANG "A variant of the clustered Euclidean traveling salesman problem"
Jiyu JIN "Genome-Wide Association Studies (GWAS) in breast cancer using random forests"
Xuesong JING "Modelling and Forecasting non-stationary monthly near-surface air temperatures time series in USA"
Eric (Pui) LAM
Ken LIM "Maximum Likelihood Estimation for Linear Regression Models Involving Missing Covariate Observations"
Lanyixin LIN "Quantile and Expectile Regression Models"
Lu LIN "On Modelling and Forecasting Non-stationary Vector Time Series - a Brief Review with Application"
Yaning MA "The research of machine learning And the application s of XGBoost on Survival analysis"
Michael MANTHEY "Investigating Models for Interpolation and Prediction in Sparse Geo-Temporal Time-series - A Case Study of Antarctic Temperature Data"
Ran NIU "Survival Analysis with EM Algorithm and Monte Carlo EM"
PuXue QIAO "Block-composite Likelihood Estimation for Spatial Regression Models"
Cynthia Lui RUIJIE "Comparison of Statistical Models for Genotype Calling Algorithms"
Gimwah SNG "Local Fisher's discriminant analysis using K nearest neighbours classifi cation for multimodal data"
Tapiwa TAKWADA "Classi fication and regression using support vector machines"
Gerry TONKIN-HILL "Looking for the Killer in the Crowd: Investigating the Genomic Sequence of Severe Malaria"
Shenjia TU
Brendan VAN ROOYEN "An Introduction to Information Geometry"
Jianyu WANG "Functional Principal Component Analysis for Bivariate Data"
Lu WEI "On Gaussian processes for machine learning"
Chi Kuen WONG
Zemei XU "On Fitting Finite Mixture Models with Expectation-Maximization Algorithm"
Ziqing YE "Functional Concurrent Regression Model for Berkeley Growth Study Data"
Yan YU
Tian YUAN "Efficient and Parsimonious Composite Likelihood Weight Selection for Spatial Extreme Data"
Hui Hui ZHAO "Likelihood Ratio, Cumulative Sum and Moving Average Likelihood Ratio Test Statistic for the Change-point Detection in Binomial Sequences"
Hangfei ZHENG "Modelling Multivariate Time-series for Forecasting by Error-correction Cointegration Model"
Quan ZHOU "The Linear Mixed Model and Its Application to Human T-Lymphotropic Virus Type 1"
Zeyu ZHOU "On Generalised Additive Model Using MCMC Model Selection and Simulated Annealing"
Lin ZHU "Dimension reduction method for finding the effects of single nucleotide polymorphisms on coronary artery disease"


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  • Exchange Student Advisor/Evaluator


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