Research Groups
Publications, Grants and Awards
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Current Postgraduate Supervision
Name |
Thesis title |
Ziye CHEN |
Lidong HUANG |
Xueming LI |
Jiabao LI |
"Statistical Modelling for Spatiotemporal Variability in Precipitations in Australia" |
Michael MANTHEY |
Peiyun SUN |
"Statistical Learning on Model Selection and Prediction for Sequence Data" |
Lyuyuan ZHANG |
Past Postgraduate Supervision
Name |
Thesis title |
Xianbin CAO |
"Statistical Models For Spatio-temporal Data Forecasting" |
Lizhong CHEN |
"Model selection and averaging by Gibbs sampler with a tropical cyclone seasonal forecasting application" |
Ling DING |
"Regression Clustering Using Gibbs Sampler and Optimal Cluster Number Estimation" |
Benjamin HINES |
"Spatio-Temporal Analysis and Modelling for Australian Precipitation Trends" |
Zhendong HUANG |
"Sparse composite likelihood approaches for high dimensional data" |
Chun (Jackson) KWOK |
"Missing data analysis, combinatorial model selection and structure learning" |
Alonso MATTA |
"Random effect models with repeated and missing measurement" |
Manling QIAN |
"Model Selection for Advanced Statistical Models" |
PuXue QIAO |
"Copula-based spatio-temporal modelling for count data" |
"On time series model selection" |
Siru WANG |
"Variable Selection and Deep Analysis of Large-Scale Data That Contain Non-ignorable Missing Values" |
Yiwen (Eva) WANG |
"Statistical and Computational Methods for Microbiome Data Analysis" |
"Tropical Cyclones: Improving accuracy of seasonal predictions in Australia and the South Pacific Ocean" |
Hangfei ZHENG |
"Modelling high-dimensional spatial-temporal data: a focus on nonstationary and nonlinear phenomena for a future-focused landslide early-warning system" |
Zeyu ZHOU |
"Statistical testing and selection by re-sampling in genome- wide association studies" |
Current MSc Students
Name |
Project title |
Gabriel DOUGLAS |
Zijun JI |
"Modeling High-dimensional Functional Data by Functional Principal Component Analysis" |
Jiajian JIANG |
Xuesong JING |
"Modelling and Forecasting non-stationary monthly near-surface air temperatures time series in USA" |
Zhaoming SU |
"An MCMC Approach to Variable Selection for High-dimensional Generalised Linear Models" |
Yilei WU |
Shuihan YI |
Zuoting YUAN |
Past Honours & MSc Students
Name |
Project title |
Lingli BAO |
"Modeling Large-scale Time Series for Forecasting by Vector Error Correction Cointegration Model" |
Kohleth CHIA |
"Akaike Information Criterion and Density Estimation" |
Kelly CHIU |
"The Gibbs Sampler and Variable Selection for Logistic Regression Models" |
David DIAZ |
"The State of Contemporary Association Rule Mining with a Genomic Application" |
Yuwei DU |
"Analyze Canadian Weather Data by the Functional Linear Model" |
Peter DUONG |
"Genome Wide Association Study: A critical review of techniques and application to breast cancer data" |
Shan FENG |
"Latent-Class Clustering Model with Non-Ignorable Missing Data" |
Jingyi GUO |
"Forecasting Spatio-Temporal Data using an Ensemble Quadratic Echo State Network" |
Benjamin HINES |
"The Lasso for Variable Selection: An Application to Tropical Cyclone Predictive Modelling" |
Zhendong HUANG |
"Parsimonious and Powerful Composite Likelihood Testing with Applications to Genotype Data" |
Zijun JI |
"Modeling High-dimensional Functional Data by Functional Principal Component Analysis" |
Yuci JIANG |
"A variant of the clustered Euclidean traveling salesman problem" |
Jiyu JIN |
"Genome-Wide Association Studies (GWAS) in breast cancer using random forests" |
Xuesong JING |
"Modelling and Forecasting non-stationary monthly near-surface air temperatures time series in USA" |
Eric (Pui) LAM |
Ken LIM |
"Maximum Likelihood Estimation for Linear Regression Models Involving Missing Covariate Observations" |
Lanyixin LIN |
"Quantile and Expectile Regression Models" |
Lu LIN |
"On Modelling and Forecasting Non-stationary Vector Time Series - a Brief Review with Application" |
Yaning MA |
"The research of machine learning And the application s of XGBoost on Survival analysis" |
Michael MANTHEY |
"Investigating Models for Interpolation and Prediction in Sparse Geo-Temporal Time-series - A Case Study of Antarctic Temperature Data" |
Ran NIU |
"Survival Analysis with EM Algorithm and Monte Carlo EM" |
PuXue QIAO |
"Block-composite Likelihood Estimation for Spatial Regression Models" |
Cynthia Lui RUIJIE |
"Comparison of Statistical Models for Genotype Calling Algorithms" |
Gimwah SNG |
"Local Fisher's discriminant analysis using K nearest neighbours classification for multimodal data" |
Tapiwa TAKWADA |
"Classification and regression using support vector machines" |
Sen TAN |
"Looking for the Killer in the Crowd: Investigating the Genomic Sequence of Severe Malaria" |
Shenjia TU |
Brendan VAN ROOYEN |
"An Introduction to Information Geometry" |
Jianyu WANG |
"Functional Principal Component Analysis for Bivariate Data" |
Lu WEI |
"On Gaussian processes for machine learning" |
Chi Kuen WONG |
Zemei XU |
"On Fitting Finite Mixture Models with Expectation-Maximization Algorithm" |
Ziqing YE |
"Functional Concurrent Regression Model for Berkeley Growth Study Data" |
Yan YU |
Tian YUAN |
"Efficient and Parsimonious Composite Likelihood Weight Selection for Spatial Extreme Data" |
Hui Hui ZHAO |
"Likelihood Ratio, Cumulative Sum and Moving Average Likelihood Ratio Test Statistic for the Change-point Detection in Binomial Sequences" |
Hangfei ZHENG |
"Modelling Multivariate Time-series for Forecasting by Error-correction Cointegration Model" |
Quan ZHOU |
"The Linear Mixed Model and Its Application to Human T-Lymphotropic Virus Type 1" |
Zeyu ZHOU |
"On Generalised Additive Model Using MCMC Model Selection and Simulated Annealing" |
Lin ZHU |
"Dimension reduction method for finding the effects of single nucleotide polymorphisms on coronary artery disease" |
- Completion Seminar Coordinator
- Exchange Student Advisor/Evaluator
- Environmental Health & Safety Committee