Study mathematics and statistics

We offer a wide range of subjects to undergraduate and postgraduate students. From industry to further research, learn where studying mathematics and statistics can take you.

A woman working at a computer desk; to her side is an array of out-of-focus screens

Why study mathematics and statistics?

Studying mathematics and statistics will equip you with powerful analytical and problem-solving skills to understand the world. You’ll be taught by world-renowned experts at the top-ranked Australian university for this area of study, solving the challenges of a data-driven 21st century.

Whether you’re curious about predictive modelling or patterns that determine how the universe works, this universal language leads to rewarding careers in start-ups, health care, government, finance, engineering and beyond. Learn about the possibilities, or hear what our students and alumni enjoyed most about their studies and where their degree has taken them.

Careers in maths

Undergraduate course advice and resources

The Mathematics and Statistics Learning Centre (MSLC) offers course advice and preparatory resources for current and potential students. If you're having trouble working out what you want to study or how to plan your course, visit them online or in person.

Course planning support Student resources

Two women and one man sitting around a table covered with textbooks. Behind them is a whiteboard covered with equations.
a person sitting in a classroom

Scholarships, awards and prizes

We are proud to offer diverse scholarships, awards and prizes to recognise the academic achievements of students studying mathematics and statistics. Available at undergraduate, Masters and PhD levels, students will generally be automatically considered for a scholarship with a small selection requiring application.

The University of Melbourne also offers an impressive scholarship program to new and current students.

Faculty of Science Scholarships

All scholarships