Current Postgraduate Supervision

Name Thesis title
Mingqi HE

Past Postgraduate Supervision

Name Thesis title
Anubhav KAPHLE "A novel SNP heritability model for heritability analyses and genomic prediction"
Robert MAHAR "An in-depth investigation of infant lung function tests using statistical methods"
Georgia TSAMBOS "Efficient analysis of genetic ancestry in population-sized datasets"

Past Honours & MSc Students

Name Project title
Xinyi HAN "Assessing our capability to predict the presence of respiratory diseases at the age of four using data available at one month of age"
Brendan HILL "Analysis & optimisation of defence aircrew training programs"
Darius ISAAC "Assessing the impact of a wellness programme: an exercise in exercise"
Sanshan JI "Association analysis of multi-allelic genetic loci"
Samuel SLAMOWICZ "Inferring Admixture with Local Ancestry"
Georgia TSAMBOS "Accounting for disease diversity in genetic association studies"