Our initiatives

Two women sitting at a computer; one is pointing at a graph on the screen and smiling

Statistical and consulting services

The Statistical Consulting Centre (SCC) provides statistical and consulting services to business, industry, government and the academic world, bringing a wealth of knowledge to real-world issues in a practical, robust manner, as well as courses in statistical methods. The SCC's courses are open to anyone, and participants come from academia, business, industry and government.

Consulting services Statistical courses

International engagement

Melbourne-Peking Virtual Research Hub for Mathematics and Statistics

This research hub promotes collaboration between The University of Melbourne and Peking University in the fields of teaching and research in mathematics and statistics.

Find out more

Iconic photos of the University of Melbourne Peking University campuses

Connecting with alumni and students

We are passionate about sustaining a sense of community amongst our students and alumni, served by our student societies and alumni network.

Student societies Alumni information

Support Mathematics and Statistics

Our generous benefactors make it possible for us to recognise the achievements of our talented students, support development of early career researchers and make surprising fundamental research discoveries. This builds the foundation for our future stars, continuing excellence in the mathematical sciences to benefit its broader application in just about every aspect of life. We invite you to be one of our valued philanthropists to support our people and work.

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